1. Thou Shalt Not Lie
2. Thou Shalt Not Kill For No Reason
3. Thou Shalt Not Take That Which Someone Else Has In His Possession
And last, but not least, and my topic for today,
4. Marriage Calls for One Male and One Female (In Most Cases, the Muslims the Romans, the Babylonians, the Hebrews, Kings, etc. Have Made Many Exceptions), Disregarding Relations Outside of Those Bounds Which Are Simply Called Relations.
Though society has differed in its differed in its views of how to treat animals, in how to run a government and even in its definition of marriage, one thing prevailed; if nothing but for facilitating genealogy and decreasing confusion in doing so, marriage has existed between man and woman with man as the head of the family. Don't ask me why, ask yourself why. Ask history why. I didn't create society, nor have I forced my ideas upon the millions of millions who have lived before me.
Today, marriage is being called into question. We see that due to a lack of this "police" force for society's fundamental four rules, we have marriage in question, which is causing confusion and a lack of understanding. Now we have to reflect on the"whys" of these rules.
DISCLAIMER!!!!!, I do not imply that those who support gay marriage think the next lines of thought that I will give. Being gay in the LDS church must be extraordinarily difficult, but the Savior makes it possible for one to live His Commandments. I respect and love many gay people with whom I work and treat them no differently than I would any other person. However, knowing human nature (and Satan's nature) in the past concerning pushing limits and driving for personal "rights" that "society won't respect", and that "I feel this way so I should be able to redefine society", I felt it enlightening to put this up for some perspective.
By using emotional reasoning ( a cognitive distortion characterized by "I don't feel like", or "I don't like to" attitudes), one could justify anything, should the courts begin to use that as a valid reason to change society. What happens if we begin to question the other three fundamentals? What happens if someone begins a movement saying:
"It is a dog eat dog world, and I see no problem in killing people. I feel like killing them because I was born a violent person, and it is very hard if not impossible for me to change. Others could kill me, and have the right to do so. Why can I not have the right to kill them?"Or,
"The truth is only necessary when it benefits me. Why is the truth important, anyway? If i can get away with something in a court room it must be okay. I am a compulsive liar, so it isn't my fault. I will just lie and get away with whatever I want. Everyone else can, too." (this one has already set in YEARS ago).And then comes the same for stealing.
At times, mankind has passed through phases of this. The time period in which Jesus Christ lived is an example of this. He did no wrong and was killed by the government who had a religious political agenda. Similarly Copernicus discovered astronomical wonders and was put to death for it because it meant that the Catholic church made a mistake in the past about science. Many human races have been set on conquering the world for power, killing and pillaging wherever they went just because they could. We call these types of time periods "The Dark Ages", implying that we believe that that time was terrible on our rap sheet.
Why have these attitudes not yet taken a permanent hold on society? Why have we always pulled out eventually? Because the individual is the "police" on this issue. Speaking out against such things has maintained the human race up until this day. Hence the original Martin Luther, John Calvin and William Tyndale in the Middle Ages, the French Revolution (though poorly executed, pun intended) and the many other revolutions and rebellions against a very interesting topic: CRIMES AGAINST HUMAN NATURE.
Yes, I am implying, now stating, that I believe, due to historical evidence and religious beliefs that gay marriage is against human nature, and in a sense, a crime. Please, let me know why you feel otherwise.
Now, on the positive note, let's day dream a bit. What would happen if the members of terrorist functions decided that killing people is not okay and they took down their leaders? What would happen if the American people took it to heart to stand up and put lying politicians, judges and lawyers out of office just because they know that it isn't right to make money off of twisting the truth? What would happen if drug lords decided to cease their activity for the good of mankind and not just for themselves, or if they won't do it, if the neighborhoods were to literally kick them out and exterminate all traces of drugs from their streets?
Let's speak up in public places to keep the simple basics of human morals in place so that we can be happy and safe. If you believe that there is dishonesty in your workplace, YOU FIX IT. Don't make the courts do it or your boss do it. You fix it. Do you not believe that your representative is honest? YOU FIX IT. Do you believe that marriage being under attack follows in supported by mere emotional reasoning? Be the individual force that maintains society, and don't fall for the folly of diffusion of responsibility. You are responsible to be responsible for your actions and to help others to understand the same. So be it. Make moral stands using as much tact as you know how, and don't waiver to violence (verbal or physical), lies, half truths, hidden meanings or emotional reasoning.
Not many people are willing to write a post like this. Good for you for standing up for what you believe in even if many might disagree. I write a blog about this subject and would love to hear your thoughts. My contact is there. Feel free to email me sometime, because I would love to discuss a few things. Thanks