To begin, I think transgenderism is a tough subject due to all the emotions involved. Those who live with gender dysphoria have a great challenge ahead of them in their life. Everyone recognizes that.
I personally don't believe it is healthy to encourage the use of hormone pills or surgery to "change" genders unless you're the rare occurrence of "intersex" individuals. You might disagree, and that's ok because, if you do, the general public consensus tends to be on your side.
So, though I affirm that the best option is to not socially promote transgenderism, I wish to assert myself in declaring the second best option. And I will explain myself. Read on.
Let people use the bathroom of the gender that their doctor says they are.
All those who suffer from gender dysphoria should see a doctor. A psychologist would be best. Those doctors can inform them of the options, but also should instruct them concerning the side effects (like increased suicide rates) of pursuing a gender swap fantasy (because that's really what a gender "swap" is. Pretending to be the opposite sex).
Trans people can wear rather convincing facades. Much of the time you wouldn't even notice. Some who only have y chromosomes now have beards. How would you like a bearded individual entering the ladies' room? Or a busty person taking a pee next to you in the men's room?
You'd likely flip a biscuit.
Now, a valid argument comes forth that some pervert is going to pretend to be trans to enter the opposite restroom. Newsflash: they already could have done that for years. Plus, predators don't pick busy areas for their attacks; they select secluded areas.
Therefore, Target's decision to allow people to choose is still safe if you go during busy times and wait outside for your kids. You could even hide behind an assertion that they haven't picked their gender yet and take them to whichever bathroom you use.
Concerning having gender neutral bathrooms, trans people make up .85% of the population. It's extreme to take measures to construct a third bathroom in every building and take up all that space that we currently use for other things, all to accomodate less than one percent of people who are fine with using our current system.
To finish, be kind to those with whom you disagree on this topic. My hope is that the way I phrased this was not rude, though it is opinionated. Remember that being at odds with a viewpoint does not make you disrespectful. Being condescending makes you disrespectful.
I personally don't believe it is healthy to encourage the use of hormone pills or surgery to "change" genders unless you're the rare occurrence of "intersex" individuals. You might disagree, and that's ok because, if you do, the general public consensus tends to be on your side.
So, though I affirm that the best option is to not socially promote transgenderism, I wish to assert myself in declaring the second best option. And I will explain myself. Read on.
Let people use the bathroom of the gender that their doctor says they are.
All those who suffer from gender dysphoria should see a doctor. A psychologist would be best. Those doctors can inform them of the options, but also should instruct them concerning the side effects (like increased suicide rates) of pursuing a gender swap fantasy (because that's really what a gender "swap" is. Pretending to be the opposite sex).
Trans people can wear rather convincing facades. Much of the time you wouldn't even notice. Some who only have y chromosomes now have beards. How would you like a bearded individual entering the ladies' room? Or a busty person taking a pee next to you in the men's room?
You'd likely flip a biscuit.
Now, a valid argument comes forth that some pervert is going to pretend to be trans to enter the opposite restroom. Newsflash: they already could have done that for years. Plus, predators don't pick busy areas for their attacks; they select secluded areas.
Therefore, Target's decision to allow people to choose is still safe if you go during busy times and wait outside for your kids. You could even hide behind an assertion that they haven't picked their gender yet and take them to whichever bathroom you use.
Concerning having gender neutral bathrooms, trans people make up .85% of the population. It's extreme to take measures to construct a third bathroom in every building and take up all that space that we currently use for other things, all to accomodate less than one percent of people who are fine with using our current system.
To finish, be kind to those with whom you disagree on this topic. My hope is that the way I phrased this was not rude, though it is opinionated. Remember that being at odds with a viewpoint does not make you disrespectful. Being condescending makes you disrespectful.