Healthy Discussion

Healthy Discussion

Verbal Violence

If you're reading this page, it is likely from a link that I've posted on a page's Facebook post or maybe even on one of your Facebook posts because I felt that it demonstrates one or more of the characteristics that belong to verbal violence. Yes, that action is a straight up accusation on my part. You can choose to take offense or understand that I'm trying to help people learn about good communication regardless of who they are or what they believe. I've even tried to contact radio hosts to tell them the same thing. You're not alone, nor am I trying to single you out. 

It's time to counteract the media's idea that it is okay and cool to verbally abuse others because they believe differently than you do. Seriously. It affects families and friendships. It's not a joke. Most people misunderstand violence and abuse, so I will clarify.

Violence extends beyond physicality. One can exact similar fear from the hearts of others using words in stead of sticks and stones. We see this from the existence of terms such as "verbal abuse" and "derogatorry phrase", which offend and portray rejection, even hate and spite. In fact, one can be charged with assault without ever having hit someone if they are threatening them and get in their face. Interesring, isn't it?

The biggest places that I have seen verbal abuse and violence are on the internet and television between disagreeing parties. Moral and political debates are the worst, which is why everyone tries to ignore those topics, which as you will learn as you read the article and further your study of communication, is also bad communication. It's good to talk it out, but one can avoid escalating the situation by refraining from verbal abuse. 

Here is a list that lays out exactly what verbal violence and abuse entail. If you or anyone you know acts like this, which we all do, have the courage to spark some change. The world needs YOUR help as well as mine. Post this link on pages when they have crossed the line. Make this viral, not because I would like for millions of people to see this blog, but because verbal needs to end its reign.

Verbal Violence link to post on your page. Go on. I dare you. what do you have to lose other than your pride of "always being right"?

1. According to University of Nebraska-Lincoln, verbal abuse consists of one or more of the following:
  • countering ("yes it is" "no it isn't")
  • withholding (silent treatment or lack of communication)
  • discounting (putting down successes)
  • blocking and diverting (avoiding the subject)
  • accusing and blaming ("I would act differently if you/he/she/they did")
  • judging and criticizing ("how could you?"
  • trivializing ("oh come on, it's not a big deal")
  • undermining
  • Threatening (self explanatory)
  • Name calling (equally so)
  • chronic forgetting
  • ordering ("I told you to...", "I won't let you")
  • Denial of anger or abuse ("I'm not treating you poorly, you treat me poorly"
  • abusive anger

2. According to

"Abuse is defined as improper or excessive use of a privilege. Verbal abuse is the excessive use of language to undermine someone's dignity and security through insults or humiliation, in a sudden or repeated manner.
The following are a few examples:
crude remarks
inappropriate jokes

3. According to
"Verbal abuse is the use of words to cause harm to the person being spoken to. It is difficult to define and may take many forms. Similarly, the harm caused is often difficult to measure. The most commonly understood form is name-calling. Verbal abuse may consist of shouting, insulting, intimidating, threatening, shaming, demeaning, or derogatory language, among other forms of communication.
Perpetrators of verbal abuse often misuse their authority and prey on those in a subordinate position. Victims of verbal abuse are often told they are to blame for the abuser's behavior and reluctant to take action to end the abuse. Verbal abuse may lead to stress, depression, physical ailments, and other damage."

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