Healthy Discussion

Healthy Discussion

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Christmas Spirit

Let me talk to you about a very famous man associated with this time of the year.  His story is very well known throughout most of the world. His main goal in life is to bring others joy, and often as children we grow up believing in him, but as life goes on we either forget or he must only be a fairytale because it's too fantastic to be true. He has a beard, kind eyes and always dotes a genuine smile. He is very wise and gives great advice. He knows what is going on in the lives of every human on the planet and loves to reward us for doing good. Especially around December, everyone tries to be a little more like him and feels great peace as they do so, regardless of religious inclination. He loves everyone, and those who believe in him usually have never seen him and go their whole lives without ever accomplishing it. Who am I talking about? Jesus or Santa? 

Some people hate on Christmas because they feel it forces Jesus on everyone. As a Christian, I still understand that you may not want to believe in God for various reasons, and I have no issue with that. To be honest I feel your pain when I see so much of a push for extreme feminism and gay rights. It kind of goes against what I have believed my whole life to an extent (feel free to contact me for clarification because it would take too long to explain in one post.) Given that we all know how it feels to have ideas forced upon us, I'd like to show how a good natured  secular Christmas doesn't differ that much from a good natured Christian one. 

Jesus and Santa are the key; they both personify the attributes that constitute what people see as good. I don't care which one you pick as a role model if you end up doing good things and feeling the peace that I do when I follow the teachings of Jesus. Christmas is about peace on earth and goodwill to men. You don't have to believe in Jesus to want that, and that is what we as Christians are trying to portray when we put up a nativity scene in our lawn or say "Merry Christmas" to you. We aren't trying to say "you have to believe in Jesus because we do". 

So if you're not Christian but you approve of Santa's idealized attitude towards life, you will agree somewhat with the teachings of Jesus. You don't have to worship him like I do, but you can take the time to benefit from the holiday that erupted from the desire to celebrate his birth in your own way. Spend some time with your family and love everyone a little more

Merry Christmas, all. Let's all get along. 

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